What Can the Yadkin County Chamber of Commerce Do for You?
- Sponsor Annual “Leadership Yadkin County”, a seven-month program designed to develop leadership potential and increase awareness of Yadkin County.
- Investment provides increased visibility and credibility for your business.
- Monthly luncheons for its Investors providing networking opportunities for members.
- The Chamber works daily to help new & existing business & industry grow.
- The Chamber is an advocate for the business community - actively supporting pro-business policies on the local, state, and federal level; provides maps and brochures, and student, newcomer, and relocation information to those interested; and assists in Grand Openings and Ribbon Cuttings for its members.
- Co-sponsor timely and informative business seminars throughout the year.
- Chamber Members may display business cards and brochures on their company's products and/or services.
- New Members are welcomed in our quarterly Chamber Newsletter and on our web site.
- All of our members are listed on the Chamber web site. We can create a link so that browsers can connect from our home page to yours at no cost to you.
- The Chamber recommends its members to thousands of people a year inquiring about particular products or services.
- The Chamber office is a public information office, providing needed facts and figures for citizens and prospective newcomers; refers business to Investors on a daily basis, and actively promotes doing business with fellow Chamber Investors; provides Certification of Origination for export of locally manufactured products; and provides representation on County, Community Civic, Regional and State Boards, Councils, Committees, and Task Forces, as well as the Yadkin County Economic Development Council.
- Your Investment Matters! Download the Yadkin Chamber of Commerce Membership Application