Investment Application Form

Please complete the online Investment Application Form or download, print and mail-in the PDF version. 
Investment Application Form
Our address:
Yadkin County Chamber of Commerce
205 S. Jackson St
P.O. Box 1840
Yadkinville, NC 27055

Call us:
Toll Free:
877-4YADKIN (877-492-3546)
Local: 336-679-2200

Office hours:

Mon - Fri 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM
Closed for Good Friday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and New Year’s Day.

Membership Dues Structure

Private Non-Profit or Public
A. Under $500,000 Budgeted  $100
B. Each Additional $500,000  $25

A. Minimum  $200
B. Each Over 4 Professionals  $25

Manufacturers, Contractors
A. 1-25 Employees  $200
B. Each Additional Employee  $2

Retailers, Services, Utilities, Insurance, Wholesalers
A. Up to 4 Employees or Partners  $200
B. Each Additional  $25

Financial Institutions
A. Up to $20 million Deposits  $200
B. Each Additional Million Dollars  $5

Small Businesses and Individuals
A. 2 Employees or Less $125
B. Retired Individuals   $125

Other Not Identified
A. Minimum  $200